FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

What should I do if I did not receive an email after I registered on the website?

Please be sure to check all your folders, including spam or junk mail. In case you do not receive it, please contact us directly for guidance and follow up on your registration: [email protected]

What does a Dual Program mean?

Double benefit: our students will have the opportunity to improve coding and software development skills under the guidance of mentors and instructors while putting into practice what they have learned as seasoned specialists. YOU GET TO PRACTICE IN THE COMPANY AND KEEP LEARNING!

What if I have not graduated from college?

Although the Specialization Program is designed for university graduates and recent graduates only, if you did not graduate before the start date of the program you can still participate in the call for our Certification program, which is also open with every call.

What does the Technical Filter consist of?

We are very interested in knowing the baseline of your skills and knowledge. This filter will consist of a coding exercise, you will be able to use the programming language you are most familiar with.

What does the scholarship consist of?

It is an economic benefit that we offer to our students with outstanding averages, which consists of sponsorship to study the specialization, including inscription and monthly tuition.
Additionally, the company will continue sponsoring the specialization if the student passes the final exam to obtain a job offer.

What is the difference between the certificate courses and specialization degree programs the ITK offers?  

While both programs prepare software engineers to start their careers, the difference between these programs relies on the issuing of a degree.  
The ITK specialization Degree program provides students who graduate with an accredited degree and professional license by the Education Agency SIIES. In the certificate course, students do not receive any official degree but will get the possibility to certify in their career path of choice once they pass to the Ksquare group. 
